Sunday, April 21, 2013

Beautiful Shadows and Golden Light

For the past months, I have been making frequent trips to cities with people I was very familiar with.  I thoroughly enjoy those types of trips but I think it was time to try something new. Experience something different with unfamiliar people. 

I left my house early Saturday morning packed with a lunch box and a camera to join a camping trip. From that earlier statement, I know you can tell how underprepared (and underdressed) I was. I have never camped a day in my life, and for some reason, I had thought I’d easily survive on my spontaneity.

It was no surprise that I was wrong. My first challenge was to survive the cold. Out went the cuteness to have as much layers as I could scavenge.  Out went my OCD so I could pick twigs to burn. Out went pickiness so I could eat whatever is there. Out went comfort. In came beauty.

When stripped of comfort and distractions, I was left with nothing else but my five senses: to wonder and to notice beautiful things. We were camped at this forested elevation with houses on stills built around trees. Around lunch, the sun would peek in between trees, and cast beautiful shadows and golden light. It’s crazy how those sudden big changes can bring the best out of you. Simple is beautiful.

After much relaxation at the bonfire, we headed out for a hike at one of the Appalachian trails. I forgot how peaceful hiking could be. Maneuvering through the rocks centered my thoughts. It becomes nothing but each step. 
This rocky path led us to one of the most scenic cliffs I have ever seen, the Weverton. 
The serenity of this place was enough to lull me to sleep. 
It was a beautiful Saturday spent with a rediscovered self.

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